Friday, March 6, 2009


I've got a goldfish
and his name is Digby
Found him at the store for 15 cents.
When I brought him home
I put him in a bowl
and he swam around like a happy fish
He likes food and
He does tricks and
Thats my goldfish

I loved that fish. Seriously more than a lot of people my sophmore year in college. I would seriously sit and talk to him sometimes when nobody was around. Frankly, I probably couldn't have made it through the year without him.

This memory of my friend/fish was brought on by Laura Anderson asking last night about an old online diary entry about her. I read through some of it today. I was(am?) pretty pessimistic about thing, but I read about Digby dying and it made me really sad. I really hope the people who bought our house in the Ville didn't desecrate his gravesite. I'm thinking about getting another fish. Goldfish obviously, named Digby II. I'll assume that the fish I get will be Digby's only child. Fear not, if that happens, plenty of pictures will be up on facebook about him.

In other news, band got 1s from the judges.

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