Saturday, February 28, 2009

Don't think I don't think about it

Ok kids, I finally buckled and decided to restart a blog. Why? Because I read Kathy's and Libby's pretty regularly.

So the real question of the blog, is how many people do I think are going to read it. I guess it all depends on how many people follow the updating of John Murphy's e-life.

The real irony of this blog is that truthfully, aside from the two previously mentioned blogs, I just look through random blogs and laugh at how pompus some people come off. I'm sure I do the same thing, but I'm John Murphy. I do what I want to do. As a very close friend once told me "I'm a grown @** man, I do what I want to and don't apologize for anything" It makes me laugh.

I find myself focusing on a single thought most days and then comparing it to most aspects of my life. Today's thought comes from Mr. Darius Rucker (not sure about his last name, but its a song) Its a quality song, bringing up thoughts about regret. I really don't regret much, and truly think that most things happen for a reason for you to grow and learn. I do regret the summer of 2004, though I'm told walking with a walker or cane is over-rated.

So thats it kids. We'll see if anyone actually reads this.

1 comment:

  1. I just thought you'd like to know how bothered I am by the lack of an apostrophe in "Murphys Law."
