Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I'm all sorts of weird people. Lets be honest, we all know that. Anyhow, a few random things about today.

I'm wearing my "Horny" shirt to bed. There's a pretty rediculous marching band story that goes with the shirt, but long and short of it is I have a red long-sleeve T-shirt that says "HORNY?" on the front....needless to say I can't wear it anywhere

I had a kid tell me at the musical rehearsal tonight "yeah, when you started you were a fatty" It made me laugh. I'm currently between 175 and 180 pounds. My goal is at least 170 by the end of the school year, ideally 165. I think I can do it, I've just got to start working at it more.

I've had Cinderella songs running through my head since early February.....I've literally not had them in there for maybe a total of 12 hours since then (aside from when I'm asleep)

Lastly, supposedly my hot water is now fixed...I don't believe it.

Good fight, good night.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Week in Review

Ok kids. I apologize for not being around to keep everyone updated on my life this past week. Its been kind of hectic for a variety of reasons. It all started last weekend. My parents and Katie came to stay overnight. Which was fine, but I was playing in the pit for Schoolcraft's musical Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. It was a great time playing, but it took a lot of time. Then my dad is staying with me another 3 nights. It was fine, but I was trying to spend time with Jayme this week and wasn't really around much. I did get to hangout with him on Wednesday night for a bit and watch some TV. It was good to talk to him.

On another hand, I had to get down to some longer musical practices for Hartford's musical, which is the same as Schoolcraft's. Thats fine and dandy, but its one of two reoccurring thoughts in my head. Drives me nuts. So there were two night rehearsals for that. They went ok.

There was some other mildly upsetting stuff, but thats beside the point.

Saturday rocked though. I decided it was my day off from everything. So I left my place once to grab some fast food. In addition to that, I watched 6 hours of 24 (to catch up), 2 hours of Chuck, 30 minutes of The Office, and rewatched Scrubs. I did watch part of a movie on Netflix, but it was bad so I gave it up. I also shot many many people online. I always enjoy video games with Tim and friends.

Additionally, Saturday I had no hot water really because they were stupid and made my water heater much much worse than it was before. Bastards.

Today was surprising in a few ways. Church was normal and good. Then afterwards I went shopping at Aldoi I love that place. Its so cheap!!! Then I was putting stuff into my car and I was like "damn, I haven't really eating in nearly 18 hours, bad news bears" so I thought I'd grab some BK or something on the way home. Instead I smelled the place next door, the Spicy Pickle. I thought, "what the heck, go for it" and I did! I tried all sorts of new things that I normally wouldn't do. I ordered a soup/sandwhich combo. Had Broccoli cheddar soup, and had the "adobe"with mesquite turkey, fresh mozzarella, green peppers, corn relish and chipotle mayo. Now anyone who really knows me would say "WOAH!" because #1 I don't get soup, and #2 I NEVER get anything like it is on the menu. But I did, and it was actually really good. I think I might start just ordering stuff as it comes on the menu (except for fast food burger places, they've still got to put up with me)

Additionally, I decided to take a walk instead of a nap. Not a huge surprise there. I've been waiting for the nice weather to come so I can start running. I really miss running, it lets me get rid of all the frustrating thoughts I have going through my head. Anyhow, I thought it'd be a short walk. It was only 60 or so out and I was in a T-shirt and shorts. So I go walking and I say "well, I'll just go a bit farther up that way" and went down the road without a sidewalk. Well, my short little jaunt turned into a 5, nearly 6 mile walk. It was good though, I didn't have anything that I was planning on doing today. Most definitely enjoyable.

This next week will probably have few if any updates as well. Sorry, but its musical week at school and I'll be at the school until late more likely than not every night until Sunday. So we'll see how that goes, I'm still trying to get in touch with a bass player because the kid who was going to do it can't all of the sudden....perfect storm part 6....

Anyhow, thats it for me. Thought for the day "Somewhere the sun is out"

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm alive

Just letting you all know I'm alive. I've just been busy and perhaps making some foolish decisions. Updates tomorrow

Monday, March 9, 2009

Screwing around

So I'm playing in Schoolcraft's music, which is a good time. But I'm going to be really honest, the three worst behaved people in there are myself, Schoolcraft's band director, and Emily Cox. The three band directors. My cubicle idea really went over really well. Nearly every brass player ended up putting up some stuff. Some of the students in the musical actualy said they'd bring me some stuff to put up there. It was kind of neat. It was a really fun rehearsal in general. We'll see how I hold up tomorrow after a late one tonight....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who will watch the Watchmen...

Well, my weekend has sadly come to a close. Its sad stuff. Not that I've really done much with my weekend.

The thesis for this particular entry is that there was probably way too much nudity in Watchmen. I mean it was a good movie, and while I heard people complain that it was slow, I really enjoyed it. The one big complaint was the incredible amount of nudity in there. It was like "wow, can't anyone be covered up?" Ok so it wasn't really that bad, but there was a lot and if you cut it out, the movie would've still been the same and good.

In other news, I'm playing the the pit for Schoolcraft's musical (Cinderella) and the way they have us sitting is as part of a backdrop, but still hidden. So if you had X-ray vision, you could see us center stage in the back. Well, my little area is like a little cubicle (cubical?), so I decided to decorate it as such tomorrow. It's going to be pretty fantastic. I'm going to bring in pictures, and a kid is bringing in a calendar, and I'm going to have a stapler. If I could put a hook for a coat or a hat I would really be awesome. I'll have to put up some pictures of it on my facebook when I'm done with it, because its going to be hilarious.

The next month is going to be really busy, but thats ok. I'm crazy tough and awesome :)

Friday, March 6, 2009


I've got a goldfish
and his name is Digby
Found him at the store for 15 cents.
When I brought him home
I put him in a bowl
and he swam around like a happy fish
He likes food and
He does tricks and
Thats my goldfish

I loved that fish. Seriously more than a lot of people my sophmore year in college. I would seriously sit and talk to him sometimes when nobody was around. Frankly, I probably couldn't have made it through the year without him.

This memory of my friend/fish was brought on by Laura Anderson asking last night about an old online diary entry about her. I read through some of it today. I was(am?) pretty pessimistic about thing, but I read about Digby dying and it made me really sad. I really hope the people who bought our house in the Ville didn't desecrate his gravesite. I'm thinking about getting another fish. Goldfish obviously, named Digby II. I'll assume that the fish I get will be Digby's only child. Fear not, if that happens, plenty of pictures will be up on facebook about him.

In other news, band got 1s from the judges.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Take 2

Ok this is take 2 for tonight. I was just going to give up, because last time I was entering this I closed out another blog window and my computer (as it does every so often) decided to start opening up window after window after window. Needless to say I was not entertained so I just shut down the computer.

But enough about randomly multiplying windows. Band festival for HS tomorrow. Its been the perfect storm. Had the full group on Monday, haven't rehearsed again except for today, when I was missing just under 1/2 of the group because of activities. So tomorrow could really suck badly.

In other news, I'm talking to Laura Anderson tonight and I dug up my old online journal thingy. Man, I was pretty hardcore back then. Some of those entries were pretty interesting to see. I might surf through all of them this weekend when I have a bit more time.

Song of the day is either Taylor Swift- White Horse, or Carrie Underwood- I told you so. Thats all for tonight. More tomorrow.