Monday, March 2, 2009

Festival news-age

Hm.... is it really possible to have two incredibly intense weeks in a row? Evidently it is. Let me lay it out for you.

Last week:
Monday- School -> WW quintet practice -> home around 9:45
Tuesday- School -> Pre-Festival concert -> home around 9:20
Wednesday- School -> Brass Band -> home around 10:15
Thursday- School -> Brass Band concert @ New Buffalo -> home around 11
Friday- School -> home (thank goodness)

This week:
Monday- School ->WW quintet practice -> home around 9:15
Tuesday- School -> MS Band Festival -> (church maybe?) Schoolcraft's musical practice -> home?
Wednesday- Band Festival working -> counseling -> home?
Thursday- WW quintet gig @ Andrews -> School to rehearse HS Band -> HHS musical practice -> home
Friday- HS Band Festival 9am -> School -> home?

Its crazy to be John Murphy sometimes, but I guess I'm kind of crazy. I really think that I have the crazy effect on people, maybe I just bring it out. Prime example would be Mr. Ben Harris. I remember him as a freshman being very quiet and not talking.......and anyone who knows him now would say that is the anti-Ben. Well, truth of the matter is my entire band out in CA was quiet when I arrived....and now they're not so quiet..... Maybe its some sort of weird pheramone.

Thought of the day: Its not my fault.
Its one of the things I'm working on. I can't blame myself for everything that isn't perfect, and just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean that its not ok. It was actually really refreshing today to go to school and be like "ok, this isn't totally my fault....sweet!!" Not that I'm trying to dodge responsibility for things, but I can't kill myself over it.

Taylor Swift- White Horse.....yup, you are actually a princess. That is all.

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