Sunday, March 8, 2009

Who will watch the Watchmen...

Well, my weekend has sadly come to a close. Its sad stuff. Not that I've really done much with my weekend.

The thesis for this particular entry is that there was probably way too much nudity in Watchmen. I mean it was a good movie, and while I heard people complain that it was slow, I really enjoyed it. The one big complaint was the incredible amount of nudity in there. It was like "wow, can't anyone be covered up?" Ok so it wasn't really that bad, but there was a lot and if you cut it out, the movie would've still been the same and good.

In other news, I'm playing the the pit for Schoolcraft's musical (Cinderella) and the way they have us sitting is as part of a backdrop, but still hidden. So if you had X-ray vision, you could see us center stage in the back. Well, my little area is like a little cubicle (cubical?), so I decided to decorate it as such tomorrow. It's going to be pretty fantastic. I'm going to bring in pictures, and a kid is bringing in a calendar, and I'm going to have a stapler. If I could put a hook for a coat or a hat I would really be awesome. I'll have to put up some pictures of it on my facebook when I'm done with it, because its going to be hilarious.

The next month is going to be really busy, but thats ok. I'm crazy tough and awesome :)

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